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A Lesbian Marriage Proposal

On a beautiful day, in the summer of 2022, two women committed to a lifetime of love and lasting bonds at the Eiffel Tower. Gay Proposal in Paris organized every single detail of their proposal in Paris and it’s one we won’t be forgetting any time soon.

With a personal butler

Unique Lesbian Marriage Proposal Ideas

Committing to life with one another is a special moment for any couple. When it comes to proposing marriage, there are so many creative and romantic ways to ask the question.

For lesbian couples looking for proposal ideas, here are some unique, unconventional ideas:

Creative Proposal Ideas for Lesbian Couples

Romantic Ways to Pop the Question To Your Girlfriend

Unconventional Lesbian Marriage Proposals - Examples and Stories

Lesbian couples have come up with unique and creative ways of proposing to their partners. These proposals range from simple yet romantic to extravagant and elaborate. One such example is the proposal of YouTubers Rose and Rosie, who got engaged in 2014. Rosie proposed to Rose during a trip to Paris, and she did it in the most romantic way possible. They were at the top of the Eiffel Tower, and Rosie handed Rose a book filled with pictures of them throughout their relationship. The last page of the book had the question, “Will you marry me?”.

Another heartwarming story is that of Sarah and Paige, who got engaged in 2019. Paige surprised Sarah with a treasure hunt around the city, where she had hidden clues leading to the proposal location. When Sarah arrived at the location, Paige was waiting with a sign that read, “I choose you. Will you marry me?”. Sarah said yes, and the couple celebrated their engagement with friends and family who were with them.

lesbian marriage proposal

A butler will take care of all your needs for your marriage proposal in Paris

“I wanted to organize my own marriage proposal in Paris and I was able to observe that the agencies were oriented towards heterosexual couples. Being gay and passionate about Paris, history, gastronomy but above all love, I decided to launch my own agency in 2018 to cater to gay, lesbian & transgender couples, so they too can be centre-stage.”


Our happy lovers

Because your opinion is very important to us

The Importance of Representation and Visibility

In a world where the LGBTQ+ community is still fighting for acceptance and equal rights, representation and visibility are crucial. Unconventional marriage proposals are a way of showcasing same-sex relationships and breaking stereotypes. These proposals are not only romantic and heartwarming but also a way of showing the world that love knows no bounds.

Creative Ways to Pop the Question to Your Girlfriend


Proposing is a milestone in your life, and as such it will always be memorable but what memories do you want attached to this moment? Here are some creative ways to pop the question to your girlfriend:

  • Treasure hunt: Plan a treasure hunt with clues leading to the proposal location.
  • Romantic dinner: Plan a romantic dinner and propose to your partner over dessert.
  • Skywriting: Hire a plane to write your proposal message in the sky.

How Social Media has Played a Role in Showcasing Unconventional Proposals

Social media has played a significant role in showcasing unconventional proposals. With the rise of social media, couples can share their proposals with the world. Social media has given gay couples a platform to showcase their love and break stereotypes. Take to it for ideas, inspiration or to display your own proposal. We know the hashtags if you want to find some of the best on the net.

The Impact of Unconventional Proposals on the LGBTQ+ Community

Unconventional proposals have had a significant impact on the LGBTQ+ community. These proposals have shown that same-sex relationships are just as valid and loving as heterosexual relationships. They have broken stereotypes and showcased the beauty of same-sex love.

Choosing the Perfect Ring for Your Lesbian Wedding Proposal

Choosing the perfect ring for your lesbian wedding proposal can be a daunting task. Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect ring:

  • Consider your partner’s style: Look at your partner’s jewelry collection and take note of their style preferences.
  • Choose a meaningful stone: Consider choosing a stone that has a special meaning to your relationship or one bought in Paris.
  • Think outside the box: Don’t be afraid to choose a non-traditional ring style or another piece of jewelry.
  • Get the right size: Ensure you get the right ring size by discreetly measuring one of their rings.
  • Use a proposal ring and let your partner choose their own engagement ring.

Involving friends and family in your lesbian marriage proposal can make the event even more special. Here are some ways to involve your loved ones:

  • Plan a surprise party: Plan a surprise engagement party with your loved ones
  • Ask for their help: Ask your friends and family to help with the proposal planning
  • Include them in the proposal: Incorporate your loved ones into the proposal, such as holding signs or being part of a flash mob

Same-sex couples face numerous societal and familial barriers, and proposing can be a daunting task. However, these couples have shown immense courage and resilience in the face of adversity. They have overcome societal and sometimes familial barriers and have shown that love is worth fighting for. We are here to give you the confidence you may lack if proposing in public is something which makes you nervous. Just know that we are right here with you and we support you and your rights. We will give you the beautiful proposal that you deserve.

From sharing photos on social media to creating tangible memories through filming or photography, here are some tips on how to capture this once-in-a-lifetime experience:


Hiring A Professional Photographer To Document Your Special Day

A professional photographer can help you capture every moment of your proposal – from the anticipation to the celebration! Choose someone who specializes in couples photography, as they’ll be able to provide helpful advice on how to get the best photos. They’ll also be able to provide ideas for locations too if you want an extended photoshoot somewhere other than your proposal spot.

After your proposal, there are plenty of romantic things to do in Paris. One of the most romantic things to do is to watch the sunset from the top of the Eiffel Tower. You can also take a romantic stroll through Montmartre, a picturesque neighborhood known for its artists and cafes.

For a more intimate experience, you can book a private tour of the city or enjoy a wine tasting at a local vineyard. No matter what you choose to do, Paris is full of romantic experiences that will make your engagement unforgettable.

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